
Showing posts from July, 2024

Project Prosperity | Module 2 | The simple difference between head knowledge & heart knowledge (and how it impacts success)

  Module 2: Project Prosperity Rewiring Your Mind For Wealth And Abundance. Contained within todays module, you'll discover:     The simple difference between head knowledge & heart knowledge (and how it impacts success)     The success house - (from the foundation up) heart knowledge, effort, gifts and talent, and skills, and how to get them to work together.     The limitless power of language, and how to harness it FOR YOU, vs. having it work against you.     How the stories we tell ourselves shape our existence, and how to reframe them for results. ================================================== Take-Aways from James Concilio ✔️Clarify your WHY ✔️What do you actually want? ✔️"I'm so happy and grateful..." ✔️Review/Re-write life script monthly ✔️Be emotionally tied to the WHY or it's not the correct vision ✔️Universal Laws  are on my Universal Laws Page Here:

✔️The law of perpetual transmutation

  The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is a fascinating concept deeply rooted in the dynamics of the universe. Let’s explore it together. This law states that energy is in a constant state of motion and transformation. Everything around us—our thoughts, emotions, and the physical world—is not static but perpetually changing forms12. Here are the key points: Energy in Motion: Energy is always moving, transmuting, or transferring. It’s perpetual—never stopping. Think of water: it can be an ice cube, steam, clouds, rain, or snow, but it never disappears; it always exists. Similarly, energy constantly evolves and transforms, even when we can’t see it. Manifestation: You can use this knowledge to your advantage. Just as energy cycles in nature, you can transmute your own energy to manifest what you desire. For example: Channel excitement into creativity. Transform happiness into visualization exercises. Convert anger into power during a workout. Your Power: Life doesn’t happen by ch

✔️The law of relativity

  The theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, encompasses two interrelated physics theories: special relativity and general relativity. Let’s explore them briefly: Special Relativity: Proposed: In 1905 by Einstein. Applicability: Applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. Key Concepts: Spacetime: Combines space and time into a 4-dimensional continuum. Relativity of Simultaneity: Events that appear simultaneous to one observer may not be simultaneous to another moving observer. Time Dilation: Time passes differently for observers in relative motion. Length Contraction: Lengths contract along the direction of motion. Impact: Revolutionized physics, improved our understanding of elementary particles, and predicted phenomena like black holes and gravitational waves. General Relativity: Proposed: In 1915 by Einstein. Applicability: Explains gravitation and its relation to the forces of nature. Key Concepts: Equivalence Principle: Gravity is indistinguishable fro

✔️The law of vibration

   The Law of Vibration is a fascinating concept that suggests everything in the universe—our thoughts, emotions, and even physical objects—is in a constant state of motion, vibrating at various frequencies1. Here’s what you need to know: Vibrational Frequencies: Everything Vibrates: Nothing rests; everything moves. From the tiniest particle to the vastest galaxy, all entities vibrate. Thoughts and Emotions: Our thoughts and emotions also have their own vibrational frequencies. Positive thoughts resonate at higher frequencies, while negative ones vibrate at lower frequencies. Impact on Reality: Manifestation: By aligning our vibrations with our desires, we can attract what we want. Like tuning a radio to a specific station, we resonate with what we seek. Creating Our Reality: Our vibrational state shapes our experiences. Positive vibes lead to positive outcomes. Science and Spirituality: Quantum Physics: Even seemingly solid objects consist of vibrational energy fields at the microscop

✔️The law of polarity

  The Law of Polarity is a fascinating concept rooted in the idea that everything in the universe has an equal and opposite counterpart. Let’s explore it: What Is the Law of Polarity? 🌟 According to this law, every action or outcome has an opposing reaction. Just like flipping a coin, there’s always a polar opposite—whether it’s good or bad, li ght or dark, life or death. The universe maintains balance by ensuring these dualities exist. The Law of Polarity invites us to choose between these opposites. The more we embrace one outcome, the more we attract it. For instance, positive thinking attracts more positivity into our lives. Balancing Energy: When you put energy into one outcome (positivity vs. negativity), you receive more of that same energy in return. So, think positively to invite positivity! Remember, there’s no hierarchy of poles—good and bad, positive and negative—they’re equal. A fire can be both devastation and an opportunity to plant on fertile soil. Using Polarity to Ma

✔️The law of rhythm

  The Law of Rhythm is a universal principle that governs the ebb and flow of life. Here’s what you need to know: Cyclical Nature: Everything in the universe follows a natural rhythm. Just like the changing seasons, the moon’s phases, and the tides, life exhibits predictable patterns. Imagine it as a cosmic dance—constant, rhythmic, and beautiful. Embracing Change: This law reminds us that nothing remains static. Energy flows, circumstances shift, and experiences cycle. Whether you’re riding high or facing challenges, know that change is inevitable. Like a pendulum, life swings between opposites—good and bad, light and dark. Manifestation Perspective: Embrace every phase of life. Even when things seem tough, remember that they’ll eventually swing back to a more desired outcome. The Law of Rhythm encourages resilience and optimism. It’s like having a nurturing grandmother by your side—laughing with you during good times and comforting you through the bad. So, ride the waves, dance with

✔️The law of cause and effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is a fundamental principle that governs the interconnectedness of events in the universe. Let’s explore it: Definition: Imagine a row of dominoes. If you knock over the first one (cause), the rest fall down in sequence (effect). This law states that every event has a specific cause, leading to a corresponding result. It’s like a chain of events—each link connected. By understanding causes, we can predict effects and make informed choices. Examples: Studying Hard: If you study hard (cause), you might get good grades (effect). Your action (studying) leads to a positive outcome (good grades). Boiling Water: When water is heated to 100°C (cause), it boils (effect). Heating causes a physical change from liquid to steam. Minimum Wage Increase: If a country raises its minimum wage (cause), low-income workers’ purchasing power may increase (effect). Importance: Helps us make better choices by considering outcomes. Guides scientists, doctors, and decision-makers. Enc

✔️The law of gender

The Law of Gender is a fascinating concept that recognizes the interplay of masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies in all aspects of existence. Here are the key points: Balancing Energies: Masculine and Feminine: These energies coexist within everything—people, nature, and the cosmos. Masculine energy represents action, logic, and strength, while feminine energy embodies intuition, receptivity, and nurturing. Equilibrium: To thrive, we must harmonize these energies. Historically, society emphasized the masculine (“Hustle Culture”), but now we see a resurgence of feminine energetics. Application: Self-Reflection: Assess your own balance. Are you overly assertive (masculine) or too passive (feminine)? Seek equilibrium. Creative Flow: Tap into both energies for creativity, relationships, and personal growth. Life’s Dance: Like a cosmic waltz, embrace the dance of masculine and feminine forces. Remember, within you lies a beautiful blend of yin and yang—both essential for a fulfillin

Project Prosperity | Module 1 | The Simple Principles For Laying The Correct Foundation For Your Success Mindset

  Project Prosperity: Rewiring your mind for wealth and abundance 7/30/2024 Module 1      The Simple Principles For Laying The Correct Foundation For Your Success Mindset, So You Can Have Your Mind Working FOR YOU Vs. Against You On Your Path To Success And Abundance. ===================== Take-Aways:  ✔️Setting Goals | Purpose of a goal is to grow ✔️Left-Brain: Analytical; terrible entrepreneurs ✔️Right-Brain: Emotional; infinite untapped ability to achieve anything we want 💯I'm so grateful and happy that I pay myself $1M/month with fun and ease through multiple sources of income from an infinite supply of money by 2/12/2025; how I came to this goal is I combined my top personal and professional goal. ✔️Be very mindful that my subconcious mind will happily and gratefully manifest my goal. ✔️WE SET GOALS TO GROW ✔️Be willing to fall in love with the process to grow and achieve the goal Contained within todays module, you'll discover: James Concilio High vibration with wins ove


Image ========================= Take-Aways from watching: 1) Time is YOUR ENEMY 2) Debt Is Your FRIEND, If Leveraged Correctly (Good Debt). Note: Billionaires raise $$ B4 Starting! ========================== Maximum leverage: Maximum profit Importance of leverage Cashflow Quadrant: by Robert Kiyosaki 5% wealth Employee Self-Employed 95% wealth Business Owner Investor  The importance of leverage "Keys to the vault" by Keith Cunningham Be an Artist/Creator + Operator/Technician + Owner The owner: apply leverage, measure results, change activities Where does leverage come from? 1 - Automated systems and processes 24/7 2 - Deployable assets that can make you more money Employees, 1099 contractors Money: coaching, advertising, setup systems/processes Option 1: Using your own money; problem: FEAR; review bootcamp module 1 Option 2: Using other people's money "OPM" RIGHT WAY: Does it gi

Business Plan: Working Capital, Marketing Budget; People/Mentor/Teams

  Imagine you DIY Build the airplane then fly in it; 98% need resources; Matt Yules Financial Analyst;  or Imagine you PAY Experts to work IN your business:  MANAGER, SUPERVISOR, QUALITY CONTROL, BENCH LEVEL so YOU may work ON your business: OWNER Why did you start an affiliate marketing business - To grow my family with business minds to help others grow their families with business minds...So generations won't lose the FAMILY BUSINESS 1 = not sure 10 = sure DIY Mentorship**Do you feel you have the right training from The Mastery System + Coach? 10 = sure DIY Confidence **Do you feel like you now have the competitive advantage over other marketers? Mike: 4 = adequate 3 Main Principles 1) Vision: Short or Long Term? Mike: Long-Term > 20 Years 2) Mission/Plan of Action: Build A Specific Plan Create an easily duplicatable system to pass on to my family for longevity 1,000+ years. [why would someone go online and click one of your ads? what would someone go online and search me f

"The Secret" Movie

  The Secret Part 1: Watch "The Secret" Movie: Click here: or on Youtube with no commercials: Part 2: Watch this Video to add-on to the Secret Movie (7 mins): ========================================== [A First Law] The Law of Frequency [A secondary Law] The Law of Attraction is Everywhere! Like a Magnet Live In Harmony with the laws of the universe =========================================== "The Creative Process" Even if you don't know how it works, the law works. "Man Becomes What He Thinks About" ~The Miracle Man "Invite Me To The Peace Rally" ~ Mother Theresa Energy Flows Where Your Intention Goes 1) Ask - Just take the first step; The universe is our catalog Say a prayer - Thank You for... Attract being well! Heal your body! Remove Stress! List of things you're grateful for Put a r

The Power of Consistency By: Weldon Long

  The Power of Consistency By: Weldon Long Narrated by: Weldon Long ================= DO THE SMALL THINGS CONSISTENTLY ~ BE EXCEPTIONAL RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM - The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns. SOLUTION: BE CONSISTENT BELIEVE YOU WILL SUCCEED UPSIDE OF FEAR FOCUS EMOTIONAL COMMITMENT ACTION RESPONSIBILITY FOCUS QUIET TIME RITUAL

Module 15 How To Quickly Turn The Internet Into Your Never Ending List Building And Automated Recruiting Machine!

  Module 15: 20240725 1. Watch the full advanced training webinar replay with Misha and take notes: 90 Minutes; Undivided Attention; Module Summary Offer at the end [hook to watch until the very end]; cannot skip in video but may pause "The Limitless Leverage Method" "How To Quickly Turn The Internet Into Your Never Ending List Building And Automated Recruiting Machine!" ...Even if you're brand new and have never recruited a single person. ================================================== **WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER** **Stage 1: $15K per month** **Stage 2: $30K per month** **Stage 3: $60K per month** $15K per month potential **The All In Experience** Personal Coaching Experience $4,997 Value $997 Top Earner Accelerator Brief Introduction: see slide deck of presentation Freedom; a little about Misha is living as a FREEMAN! Note: In the training, notice Misha RECAPS continuously to add value Note: Asks for feedba

Develop A Business Plan | The IM Mastery Blueprint

  Business Plan 7/27/2024 Imagine you DIY Build the airplane then fly in it; or Imagine you PAY Experts to work IN your business:  MANAGER, SUPERVISOR, QUALITY CONTROL, BENCH LEVEL so YOU may work ON your business: OWNER Why did you start an affiliate marketing business - To grow my family with business minds to help others grow their families with business minds...So generations won't lose the FAMILY BUSINESS 1 = not sure 10 = sure DIY Mentorship**Do you feel you have the right training from The Mastery System + Coach? 10 = sure DIY Confidence **Do you feel like you now have the competitive advantage over other marketers? Mike: 4 = adequate 3 Main Principles 1) Vision: Short or Long Term? Mike: Long-Term > 20 Years 2) Mission/Plan of Action: Build A Specific Plan Create an easily duplicatable system to pass on to my family for longevity 1,000+ years. [why would someone go online and click one of your ads? what would someone go online and search me for? People respond to your