
Showing posts with the label 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing by Misha Wilson

7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing by Misha Wilson

TAKE-AWAY FROM reading 7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing by Misha Wilson on 8/6/2024 Book to read: The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy Sin #1: Understand the WHO you are marketing to. Sin #2: Not capturing the LEAD so you may follow-up and gain trust   Sin #3: Don’t marry before you date! Give freebie or low cost items in trade for Name, Email, Phone, etc. Sin #4: Not following-up; 1-3% of leads buy on first contact; “Follow-up until the Buy, or Die” code to live by. Daily email, Webinars often, call back, social media, blog, etc. 10% buy in 6mo Sin #5: Not offering high value solutions: >$997 is 90% sales; make the value 10X the price. Sin #6: Not using the phone Sin #7: Quitting