
Showing posts with the label The X Factor

Module 14: The X Factor To Increasing Sales And Become An Irresistible Sponsor...

  Module 14: 20240723 The X Factor To Increasing Sales And Become An Irresistible Sponsor... You'll Discover...The X Factor To Increasing Your Sales And Becoming An Irresistible Sponsor... ===================================== What is the "ONE" thing? What is the "X" Factor? Be the Celebrity Authority: Website, Blog, Social Media Be perceived as the person that knows Be in a state of mastery of skills The Learning pyramid; where you get the most retention of information from different types of learning **GET IN SO DEEP THE ONLY OPTION IS TO SUCCEED** **When the people pay, they pay attention** **NEVER QUIT ~ NEVER REDUCE YOUR GOALS** MOMENTUM ~ MONEY LOVES SPEED; automate wherever possible; don't hesitate to hire an expert if you don't know how to do something ==>>DAY 1 20/20 HINDSIGHT; FOCUS ON ONE THEN HIRE A MENTOR<== REPROGRAM MINDSET FOR QUICKEST RESULT LAW OF ATTRACTION DON'T TRY TO DO IT ALL BY YOURSELF; LET GO OF EGO BE OPEN