
Showing posts with the label yield

4 Category Time = Low Yield Revenue Generating

  4=low yield revenue generating - using software, blogging, writing articles, creating products - things that make money but could be delegated/automated Tips for Category 4: - This Time is generally alone, productive Time. -  Use category 7 to prepare  personnel, tools, parts, and equipment sharp, on hand, and extra available so categories 2, 3, and 4 are as productive as possible. - This Time is great for process maintenance and sewing up projects. - Enthusiasm is going down from Category 1 then 2 then 3 so Category 4 Time is that critical last effort of productivity, generating revenue. - Make, Category 4 Time between lunch and afternoon break! For the next 30 days, keep track of how often you use category 4 Time.  ========================================================================= Note: if the following links fail, try logging into your Google account then try again. Download the Calculator You Were Born Rich eBook >Back to Home< =======================================