Module 15 How To Quickly Turn The Internet Into Your Never Ending List Building And Automated Recruiting Machine!


Module 15: 20240725

1. Watch the full advanced training webinar replay with Misha and take notes:

90 Minutes; Undivided Attention; Module Summary

Offer at the end [hook to watch until the very end]; cannot skip in video but may pause

"The Limitless Leverage Method"

"How To Quickly Turn The Internet Into Your Never Ending List Building And Automated Recruiting Machine!"

...Even if you're brand new and have never recruited a single person.



**Stage 1: $15K per month**

**Stage 2: $30K per month**

**Stage 3: $60K per month**

$15K per month potential **The All In Experience** Personal Coaching Experience $4,997 Value

$997 Top Earner Accelerator

Brief Introduction: see slide deck of presentation

Freedom; a little about Misha is living as a FREEMAN!

Note: In the training, notice Misha RECAPS continuously to add value

Note: Asks for feedback + does it add value?

Expectations - House Rules

3 - 6 months set-up work

no wanting the system to do all of the work for you

willing to put in the heavy lifting work

Disclaimer: my results might not be yours

**Take action**: LoL treadmill slide

Secret 1 - 20% inputs 80% outputs

Funnel 1 The Simple Affiliate Opt-In Funnel

Opt-In/Lead Magnet/ Funnel



Affiliate Offer

Funnel 2 The Simple Webinar Funnel

30% response average; 90 minutes


record $100k

Funnel 3 Consult Funnel

Sift to find hyper-responsive leads

85%-90% opt-in

most personal

enroll/close people over the phone

FREE consult "giveaway"

1) looking up to you as the leader

2) people asking for help

3) lead fills out a form

4) ask people what their problems are; what their hardships are

5) ask people if they'd like to work with you?

6) create a reply 1-many recruiting

7) top earner eco-system

Secret 2 The cool, new way to follow-up and make sales, without ever having to sell anything

Value Driven

People love to buy; hate to be sold to

Be the trusted advisor

Be the Leader, Expert

What goes good with milk?

Grandma - more effective; gives you something that makes drinking the milk the next obvious step

Position the milk (offer) as the obvious next step

Make an Authority Website

Ray Higdon Blog example

Learn, Do, Teach as content

Step 1 Make a list of top network marketing trainers

Step 2 Find trainers that have a Facebook following

Step 3 target their audience with Facebook ads

Step 4 Make an ad example; advantage detailed targeting

Step 5 Matt Morris, Eric Worre, Amway, Herbalife, MLM, Mary Kay, they popup in facebook


Grant Cardone Video

My thoughts: INVEST 40% GROSS until I have $10M

2. Watch this video to help you understand what your target goals should be monthly:

This Business is crazy!!

If you have $1M you're basically a "deadbeat" since you cannot even afford the legal payments

$4K per month @ $M w/no income = dead broke in 25 years w/no income

Go for FREEDOM from WORRY, LEGAL, etc

1) You have the wrong Target - other people's money $10M

2) Get Income to SAVE 40% Gross as SAVED/STORED; all cash goes to zero [cash is worthless]

30,000 made

12000 STORED

12000 IRS




3. Complete all the questions and goals on this form and submit asap:

4. Book the Pre Business Plan Call for next business day here 1 on 1 Calendar:


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