The Client Success Formula Pro Course | Module 8 | The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success from "The Go-Giver"

Project Prosperity | Module 8 | The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success from "The Go-Giver"

Rewiring Your Mind For Wealth And Abundance.

In this module you'll discover:

The First 3 Of The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success from "The Go-Giver" - And how they directly impact your results in life to shape your reality.

    The Law of Value

    The Law of Compensation

    The Law of Influence


Take-Away: Be The Help Desk You Are | Over-Deliver On Everything [no matter what]

Treat everyone like they are my business partner [make anyone, willing, my partner. not my employee or customer]

*The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann 

it's a spin on the go-getter. a business book but for anyone really who wants to get and stay motivated in the high frequency spectrum [700-1000hz]

a really powerful story-type book and easy to listen to

*I read it multiple times and transformed my mindset [added to my mindset from all other books I focused on] my blog is on

Pindar is the Godfather and tells stories to anyone listening

*The same day we meet, you have to use it before you go to bed

*How would you know? I won't but you will. Be accountable to yourself [and our prospects]

*The services, products, advice we provide solve problems our prospects are facing in their lives

*We bring people up to our high vibration if they are feeling low

*[a thought: you never know what anyone else is going through]

*Mentions "The One Thing" By: Gary Keller, Jay Papasan; do that first during your highest vibration time after you wake up from a full sleep pattern

5 Laws of Stratospheric Success

1) The Law of Value: your true worth is determined by how much you give in value than you take in payment; led to my overall vision: penthouse goal to give away more than i receive

deliver value in our life; deliver value in our conversation; deliver value anywhere; super high vibration from implementing this law

ask people what will actually benefit them?

[thought: be the help desk]

2) The Law of Compensation: you are in control of how much you wish to earn by the number of lives you impact; we are all wired to be creative

3) The Law of Influence: your influence is determined by how abundantly you put other people's interest first. are your acts of generosity actually selfish in nature?  

4) The Law of Authenticity: tell stories that are relatable [thought: like how leaders do]; be genuine in everything you do. be yourself and not an actor. give the impression and perception that you are in love with yourself because that is how you will also treat others.

Nobody starts as an expert marketer; just take imperfect action

we have the tendency to turtle in the spotlight; talk to your audience like you would talk to your friend.


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