"The Secret" Movie


The Secret

Part 1: Watch "The Secret" Movie:

Click here:


or on Youtube with no commercials:


Part 2: Watch this Video to add-on to the Secret Movie (7 mins):



[A First Law] The Law of Frequency

[A secondary Law] The Law of Attraction is Everywhere! Like a Magnet

Live In Harmony with the laws of the universe


"The Creative Process"

Even if you don't know how it works, the law works.

"Man Becomes What He Thinks About" ~The Miracle Man

"Invite Me To The Peace Rally" ~ Mother Theresa

Energy Flows Where Your Intention Goes

1) Ask - Just take the first step; The universe is our catalog

Say a prayer - Thank You for...

Attract being well! Heal your body! Remove Stress!

List of things you're grateful for

Put a rock in your pocket

When you visualize You Materialize

Affirmative thoughts are 100% more powerful than negative ones

Thoughts feed our Feelings or chemical reactions or frequency

Have fun with this; be careful, too

2) Believe; Act:Work - Unwavering Faith - If you don't know how, you will attract the way

Say a prayer - Please Bless...

Your job is to {Act} - Faith without work

Look at hands; close eyes; feel you driving that CAR!

Feel Good! It should never be a chore

Make a vision board

3) Receive - Feel it now

Say a prayer - Please Allow...

Accept Happiness

Accept Other's Help; give others the opportunity

Share your joy

Your life is a physical manifestation of what you want; good or bad.


Thoughts Become Physical Things; Has A Frequency

Gives you what you are thinking every time

Manifests whatever you are thinking every time

Ongoing process; forever in action

Creating is always happening

We'll give you whatever you say or think

When you focus on what you want with passion; good or bad; will manifest itself

Focus on what you want; no energy to anything you don't want


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