The 5-Second Rule | Mel Robbins to sign up for 31 FREE sessions with Mel

The moment you have an instinct that could change your life, you only have 5 seconds to take actions...or your brain will stop you.

My Take-Away: 5-4-3-2-1 Start!  Don't think!

Part 1

Increase cash flow, finish bachelor's degree, finish a marathon, be an entrepreneur, meet people at PGA tour event, stop thinking about how intimidating it is to sell, engage teams, innovate, be #1 in your region, be inspired, find courage to stop thinking, put ideas into action.

Get ideas out of your head and just start Taking ACTION!


CH1 Life requires courage.

5 Second Decisions.  A Secret of success

You are one decision away from a completely different life.

Use the rule and see the results for yourself.

5 Seconds of Courage: Use the rule to make one of the most important decisions of your life.

Love yourself. Trust yourself.

CH2 Mel felt Fear | How it started

yada yada yada 5-4-3-2-1 launched herself out of bed! An instinct attached to a goal. Deliberate action.

CH3 Counting Backwards Asserts Control | Being Consistent Asserts Control

Metacognition: trick your brain

Starting ritual activates your pre-frontal cortex [high energy vibration; Vegas nerve]

Locus of control

Motivation is a myth: the moment it's time to do something, you always feel the opposite of motivated

The Power of the Push.  Stop Talking. Start Moving.

Mel is motivated by people writing to her, giving feedback about their life experience.

CH4 Starting Ritual to interrupt a pattern To change a habit, replace it with another one

Discover Real Confidence and Pride in yourself



If you change your decisions, you'll change your life

CH5 Fear | Courage | Listen To Your Heart Then Start Doing | 

Rosa Parks story - I was pushed as far as I could be pushed I suppose

Martin Luther King story - Friends/Family pushed him to do what he did

Wayne Gretsky - you miss all the shots you don't take

CH6 We All Are Capable Of Greatness | Stop Waiting | Hurdle The Spotlight Effect

Michaelangalo Story - Push yourself. Don't wait.

You are actively working against your dreams when you WAIT

The Spotlight Effect - no one wants to find out they suck

It's A Numbers Game

CH7 You'll Never Feel Like It | Analysis Paralysis | 30 Before 07:30

The Moment You Feel That Your Feelings Are The Problem Is The Moment You Can Beat Them

You will NEVER get anything done if your FEELINGS are in charge.

When you stop to FEEL, you won't EVER get around to DOING.  Choose how you ACT.  

IGNORE MY feelings Then ACT.

You make decisions based on how you feel - we feel before we act ~

What did Antonio Damasio discover?

Antonio Damasio's research in neuroscience has shown that emotions play a central role in social cognition and decision-making. His work has had a major influence on current understanding of the neural systems, which underlie memory, language, consciousness.
CH8 How To Start Using The Rule
Wake-Up Challenge - set the alarm 30 minutes earlier than usual
Zero wiggle room - if you fail, you made that decision
Activation Energy is starting inertia.  The large push of energy to get started; it's always uncomfortable.

CH9 Improve Your Health | You Can Always Choose How You Act | Pick A Plan
Only unlimited by your imagination
To make a change with anything: Assert control | 5-4-3-2-1 | Pull Away or Go and Do
The only thing you need to choose, after that, is CHOOSE to do it
You don't have to feel like it.  You just have to do it

CH10 Productivity | Focus on the Task at hand | Turn off Pop-Ups | Give Your Goals A Chance
Managing distractions | Make things harder to access what distract you
Unclutter your whole entire life
The best time for the brain is YOUR first 2-3 hours of the day
How you wake up is more important than how you sleep | Never hit the snooze button
Sleep inertia 90-110 minute cycles | Thaw-Out Stage: about 2 hours before you wake up, it goes into a 2 hour mode to start waking up | If you hit the snooze button, your body re-starts the 90-110 minute cycle
It takes the body 4 hours to come back out of a sleep cycle
Trick: Cold Shower
Keep distractions out of where you sleep, EVEN THE ALARM. Make it difficult.
Give your goals a fighting chance | Own my ACTIONS from the minute I wake up
1) Wake Up then Get Up | Set YOURSELF Up For Success | Put YOURSELF First
2) Turn off the Alarm [you put it in the other room; no distractions allowed where you sleep]
3) Think about what's important to you for that day.
4) Write those important things down on PAPER.
5) Write down WHY they are important to you in that moment
6) Find 30 Minutes Before 07:30 to work on and PLAN your day
7) Plan YOUR quitting time
8) Look at your phone, etc. Seriously. 5-4-3-2-1 Do It

CH11 Procrastination | Productive Procrastination
1) Forgive Yourself: It's okay to take breaks. Life is a marathon
2) Remind Yourself: Create a vision board
3) Just get started: Create a starting ritual; 5-4-3-2-1 Start [after a mental break]
Projects that don't have a fixed deadline, like writing a book, it's okay to take "Mental Breaks"
Constructive Procrastination, in the creative process, is extremely effective and liberating.
Destructive Procrastination, for Garage and Apartment type goals, is destructive.  Doing the dishes, updating your Business Ledger, etc get off your ass and do it.
Plan your day and knock it out!
Procrastination is not = Laziness it's a subconcious desire to feel good right now; take breaks and pace yourself.  Let yourself take mental breaks to relieve yourself from stress.
Take mini stress breaks.  Emotional eating for the mind.
Small boosts of dopamine from a cat video is right on and good for you.
Our body needs this
Part 1 was acts of bravery: thinking about calling her friends; just get started
Part 2 try something
You have everything you need to do anything you want

CH12 Stop Worrying | We are Taught To Worry | It Kills You | Think Of Positive Thoughts | Anchor Thoughts
Born with confidence of a Warrior
Perform small acts of every day courage
Cured myself of anxiety; learning to control my thoughts and fears is amazing; the happiest and most optimistic I've ever been
1) break the addiction of worrying
2) dive into interrupt anxiety
3) anchor thoughts to prevent falling back into anxiety
4) be consistent
The Legacy Project Dr. Karl Pillemer
Think about something that makes you smile [or laugh]
What am I grateful for in this moment?
What do I want to remember?
CH15 Introduce yourself to anyone new each day | just notice who you are drawn to


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