Project Prosperity | Module 6 | The 3 steps to becoming a fearless leader


Project Prosperity | Module 6 | The 3 steps to becoming a fearless leader

Rewiring Your Mind For Wealth And Abundance.

In this module you'll discover:

    The 3 steps to becoming a fearless leader

    How to lead with POWER and abundance vs. scarcity

    How fear (if left untreated), will cripple your success

    The simple method to overcome any fear, on demand.


*Positive Emotions ==> Positive Actions ==> Positive Results

*The law of cause and effect [see my blog post about that]

*Give with open hands.  Receive with open hands.

*Everything on this planet was created for increase

*Perpetually giving.  Perpetually receiving.  Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

*[my thoughts: focus on your wins; focus on your memories of giving; only feel amazing]

*[thoughts: just focus on giving without receiving]

*Yes you can. Yes you are worthy. Yest it's okay to want it.

*It's okay to be about the money.  Money isn't bad.

*It's about what you can do with the money.  Money is a tool in our tool belt.

*Money is a tool that creates experience.

*Giving, with the expectation of receiving, is a different energy

*You can't outgive the universe.  You can't outgive God

*Try buying a candy bar for the person in line with you

*Genuine compliments: holding the door for people; when we live in the vibration and frequency of increase, we are naturally aligning with the universal law of cause and effect.  It will return to us.

*It doesn't come back in the ways we want or expect it to.  It does come back.

*The science of getting rich book*

*When we are not open to receiving, we are rejecting someone else's opportunity to feeling increased.


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