Project Prosperity | Module 5 | Paradigm = Belief [Locked] | Unlocked with YOUR LIFE SCRIPT


Project Prosperity | Module 5 | Paradigm = Belief [Locked] | Unlocked with YOUR LIFE SCRIPT

Rewiring Your Mind For Wealth And Abundance.

In this module, you'll discover:

    Personal mission, vision, values - who are you as a person, and how to design your perfect life.

    The diagram of the mind, and how it makes or breaks success.

    The simple cycle that keeps most people stuck and confused, and the cycle the successful use to build massive empires.

    How to properly set goals based on what you WANT, not what you think you can achieve.



*Will power describes the point when we are now aligning our conscious mind [action] with our subconscious beliefs [paradigm]

*Do it until I believe it [fake it 'til you make it]

*The company that you are influenced by is what you remain at; it is important where you focus your attention [but this is an opportunity cost because those you avoid are whom will be using your system(s) and product(s); they will be "testing" your quality management system and your learning curve to use your product(s) and service(s).]

*Be as grateful for it all the time mentally, as you will be grateful for it physically

*Live in the house mentally until you live in that house physically

*Paradigm = Belief [Locked]; Unlocked with the LIFE SCRIPT

*Align the belief with the action

*Thinking ==> Feelings ==> Actions ==> Results ==> Thinking

*Napoleon Hill: No one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope nor wish.

*Live today with the feeling of this life fulfilled

*The world will not change until you change yourself

*The results are the effect by assuming the wish fulfilled

*A change of belief is confirmed by a change of expression

*What causes the actions that our body takes? Our Feelings [frequency Hz of vibration]

*Results are the actions our body takes to make our feelings happen

*Hopes and wishes cause lower vibration actions then I believe, I am, I do, there is now and forever, It is

*Big or small does not exist until you compare it to something else

*Fall in love with the complex [very difficult] experience, learning, studying, emails, bad comments, we have ARRIVED!

*Develop a routine, integrating high level Hz/Life Script/High Energy

*The actions our body takes are driven by the vibration we are in. We use the feeling or emotion to describe what vibration we are in.

*The vibrations we are in drive the actions that we take.

*Our thoughts cause our vibrations

*Your circle supports your COMFORT ZONE. Find a new community to get you out of your COMFORT ZONE.

*When we come from belief, the feeling created is calmness/FREEDOM.  The physical outcome is a body at ease.

*ALL of our beliefs are subjective. We each have our own dictionary based on experience and perspective.

*Experience + Perspective = Belief(s)

*Paradigm = Belief [Locked]; Unlocked with the LIFE SCRIPT


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