Secrets of the Millionaire Mind By: T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

By: T. Harv Eker

Narrated by: Charles Constant

Start listening to as many chapters a day of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Here is the link to download: (at the end of some chapters it tells you to go to the authors website, don't do that, no need for shiny object syndrome)


♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️Bottom Line Up Front BLUF: Don't Give Up! Don't Decrease A Goal Set! Motivating; New #1 on my reading list; Agreed with most, love the website/bonuses ; enjoyed the speaker's enthusiasm; completed all homework/projects + very self-reflecting♦️♠️♥️♣️

I, Michael Forsberg, commit to becoming a millionaire by 20250101; ask for them to say "I believe in you"; then I say "thank you"

**I have a millionaire mindset!** no chicken [unless I want it]

**Duplicate or Leverage Yourself**

Street Smart Business School

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world

Declaration: Say out loud, with hand on heart; say out loud again, with index finger to the head

[with hand on heart, say out loud] Declaration: My inner world creates my outer world!

[with index finger on head, say out loud] I have a millionaire mind!

1) Awareness - I have a millionaire mindset!

2) Understanding - my goal is to become a millionaire and more!

3) Disassociation - from chicken

4) Reconditioning - get what you want, no matter the cost


Why creating wealth is important to me 20240715

I have a millionaire mind.  Creating wealth is important to me because I wish to prove to myself that I can achieve anything I wish.  I wish to help others with a giving attitude and humble heart.  I served in the US Army to provide the American Dream to anyone wishing to receive it.  I have the training, experience, mindset, and aptitude to create as much wealth as the universe is able to abundantly provide to me so I might help others exponentially.  One 'penthouse' goal of mine is to own/live in a villa style property where everyone in my family [including grandchildren] may comfortably come and stay anytime.  I wish to provide this to each of my children, anywhere they wish to own/live.  Additionally, I wish to build this style villa on Sroanef, Kosrae, Micronesia; First floor will be 5 businesses; each and every property + business is created to serve others: my wife, MaryRuth, Children, Brandon/Olivia, Kristina, Cameron [deceased], Wolana, Derek, mother RaNae, other family, friends, acquaintances, etc. I have a millionaire Mind.


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