Module 12: Unleashing Your Recruiting Machine

 Module 12: 20240721

Unleashing Your Recruiting Machine

You'll Discover... How To Create Killer Affiliate Sales Funnels To Grow Your List That You Can Recruit From Like Crazy.

Introduction: Launch the Uplevel "Lead" Machine

Unlocking Your Lead Machine

Active Income from affiliate business; 

Passive Income from our own Network Marketing Business

Setup sales funnel correctly

Have more control

Build my list


Opt-In Page; Capture Page - The Front Door - Turns Clicks into Leads

95% of Uplevel System is DFY

Outsource anything "not fun"

1) strong headline; peak curiosity: get visitor's attention; highest impact to take action; sells visitor; makes visitor curious; illustrates the benefit of the lead magnet; how it helps them achieve goals faster

2) lead magnet that offers something free: trade their email for our valuable bonus: reports, training videos, webinars, blog posts, piece of content from actual sales video, sales letter; 

3) call to action: opt-in form to join my list; aim for 35% to 45% opt-in rates; only ask for an email address; 


The Bridge To Higher Conversions And Profits: headline, 60-second video, call to action:

The more control you have over the funnel [hint] the more money you will make!

Daily email is optimal

Create a video; promote what they'll see at the end of the video to promote them watching the whole video; **congruent with the offer**

strong call to action: click the link below

tell the audience what to do next; how to click, listen, etc

Have a gold to <hover green> button with the actual sales page "click here to continue" etc



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