Module 11: 20240718 Growing Your Organization

 Module 11: 20240718

Growing Your Organization

You'll Discover The Stages Of Growth, And How To Systematically Grow Your Company And Organization.


Don't Give Up! Don't Decrease A Goal Set!

Goal: Be a Stage 4 Business Owner: You've taken control of the ENTIRE sales process and are selling your own unique products and services that serve as your own unique solutions in the marketplace

*==>You are ready when you say that you are ready!<==*

*==>Speed to action! Take control of the entire sales process to include my own custom sales funnel<==*

*==>Confidence selling your own products/services as solutions to problems in the marketplace<==*

*==>Perception: From Hunter To The Hunted! [by the masses]<==

*==>Know Where To Get The Information<==

your own product


professional videos


pictures on stage

an authority website

testimonials/edification from leaders

Power of association





No Excuses Summit

Take Action! Unique Product. Unique Sales Process.


Margins & Cashflow

keep 100%

paid daily

financial agility

financial efficiency

reinvest more quickly

scale more quickly

Marketplace Position

Perception of Authority

Selling becomes Effortless

The Most Important

Why are you Unique

Get to Stage 4 (Made Your Own Product)

Get to Stage 3 (still an affiliate). Internalize the content in this module.

Keysha; super-affiliate opt-in funnel 2) webinar 3) consult funnel 4) 

Goal 9: Break Webinar Record $100,000 one night

- Go where the attention already is

- teach about an hour worth of content

- Sell what they want. Give what they need

Note: I'm finding that I'm listening more and focusing on what is being taught!

Note: My head is spinning [brain chemicals are kicking in]


Step 1: Capture Page [Lead Magnet]- Thirsty Deer [curious, scares easy]

Aim for 30% - 40% conversions Traffic ==> Lead

Step 2: Bridge Page [Sales Page]- Differentiate from the crowd;

Pre-frame your offer for increased conversions (sixty second sales hook)

Future pace them to open your *emails*, *bonuses*

Opt-In Page - Affiliate Linked from Bridge Page

Consult Funnel - 

Webinars - Big Ticket; Leverage bonus; creates scarcity; builds goodwill; white listing; positions you as the leader and authority; 

host a webinar within the first week of having an influx of leads;

Read Fire Aim

Promote for 3 days

Get experience

Keep taking action

Record $100,000 one night

- Go where the attention already is

- teach about an hour worth of content

- Sell what they want. Give what they need

Generate More Leads

Recruit More Representatives [in mass]

Grow a more powerful business

Use automation

Ultimately apply more leverage

IOT Grow a more powerful business [using the Internet]


The Stages Of Growth

Shoot 4 AHA moments!

The evolution of a million dollar business

Zero to $1,000,000

Stage 1: When you're solely leveraging other people's systems and funnels (you don't have control over anything yourself)

Stage 2: When you've taken control of one highly optimized custom sales funnel and are generating leads profitably (but you're still selling other people's products and services)

Stage 3: When you've taken control of all three high impact sales funnels and have them all working together in a systematic fashion (but you're still selling other people's products and services)

Stage 4: You've taken control of the ENTIRE sales process and are selling your own unique products and services that serve as your own unique solutions in the marketplace


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