
Showing posts from March, 2023

1 Category Time = Spiritual + Creation Time (Will Power)

1=Spiritual/Creation - Creating my life (visualization, meditation)  Aqua here represents water, spiritual, creation.  Those rare moments we happen upon or actually make Time for visualization and meditation.  The runner's high or an artist's mindset.  The business entrepreneur's drive.  Atlas' willpower. During this Time, an idea pops into your mind.  Maybe a problem your subconscious has been working on?  Perhaps that missing piece to make a puzzle more clear? Think about yourself as a battery.  Each category adds to or takes away from. Only you know what Time your body is at peak charge.  Only you know what Time your body takes to recharge from zero. Ideas to prepare for or utilize category 1: - Breathing exercises - Listening to 432Hz - Mindfulness or meditation or yoga In an organization, what are strategies for keeping your category 1 energy thru a commute to the office and into category 2 Time? For the next 30 days, keep track of how often you use category 1 Time

2 Category Time = High-Yield Revenue Generating (Super Productive)

2=high-yield revenue generating (super productive) - high level delegation  (projects), creating systems, list building, JV (Joint Ventures) Strive to go into category 2 with a full charge!  Keep a list and chip away at your most profitable projects during this Time. Tips for Category 2: - Prepare.  There is nothing that takes away will power more than looking for something or showing up to Category 2 under prepared. -  Use category 7 to prepare  personnel, tools, parts, and equipment sharp, on hand, and extra available so categories 2, 3, and 4 are as productive as possible. - Everyone's Category 2 is different, at different Times.  What are strategies to synchronize a team's Category 2? - Make, Category 2 Time between workday start and morning break! For the next 30 days, keep track of how often you use category 2 Time. ========================================================================= Note: if the following links fail, try logging into your Google account then try aga

3 Category Time = Medium-Yield Revenue Generating (Productive)

  3=medium-yield revenue generating (productive) - delegating tasks, networking with people, current & new customer maintenance [advertising], copywriting, consulting, group training Tips for Category 3: - Delegate.  Automate.  This category makes Time work for you.  Can you make something work once that can then be used multiple Times? -  Use category 7 to prepare  personnel, tools, parts, and equipment sharp, on hand, and extra available so categories 2, 3, and 4 are as productive as possible. - If an asset is not immediately available, make a note for Category 7 Time and look for it then to be on hand for the next Category 3 Time. - Has someone on the team been the most efficient, enthusiastic, or has figured out how to automate a process?  Delegate and share with the rest of the team to leverage the productivity.  This frees up the remaining resources for another Category 2, 3, or 4. - Make, Category 3 Time between morning break and lunch! For the next 30 days, keep track of ho

4 Category Time = Low Yield Revenue Generating

  4=low yield revenue generating - using software, blogging, writing articles, creating products - things that make money but could be delegated/automated Tips for Category 4: - This Time is generally alone, productive Time. -  Use category 7 to prepare  personnel, tools, parts, and equipment sharp, on hand, and extra available so categories 2, 3, and 4 are as productive as possible. - This Time is great for process maintenance and sewing up projects. - Enthusiasm is going down from Category 1 then 2 then 3 so Category 4 Time is that critical last effort of productivity, generating revenue. - Make, Category 4 Time between lunch and afternoon break! For the next 30 days, keep track of how often you use category 4 Time.  ========================================================================= Note: if the following links fail, try logging into your Google account then try again. Download the Calculator You Were Born Rich eBook >Back to Home< =======================================

Overview: What Is Time? What Are Time Categories?

Whether we agree or not, it's about 24 hours.  For this book, Time is 24 hours.  Everyone has 24 hours in the bank.  For now, think of Time as currency.  How we trade time is the focus of this book.  Each category is assigned a color.  By the end of the book, the category and color will be explained. Categories: 1=Spiritual/Creation - Creating my life (visualization, meditation) 2=high-yield revenue generating (super productive) - high level delegation (projects), creating systems, list building, JV (Joint Ventures) 3=medium-yield revenue generating (productive) - delegating tasks, networking with people, current & new customer maintenance [advertising], copywriting, consulting, group training 4=low yield revenue generating - using software, blogging, writing articles, creating products - things that make money but could be delegated/automated 5=Personal Development - (learning, exercise, psycho cybernetics, timebank, mastermind 6=Business Development - (learning, reading *rele